Battery comparison - EV-Fun
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Battery comparison

Battery comparison

To find the best batteries for our projects we compared the specifications of available batteries on the market. Some of the batteries did we order and test manually.

Below we have different spreadsheets that have been in considerations when we selected the Headway 38120HP cell to gokart 2. Gokart 1 is aquiped with Winston 60Ah.

Battery specification: mAh Peak C C Peak A A Cells kg Cell kg Price Price / Cell Price / Wh ESR / mOhm
RC 90C 6500 90 ? 585 ? 2 0 907 453,5 21,80288462
Winston 60Ah 60000 20 3 1200 180 1 2,3 2,3 415 415 2,161458333
Winston 40Ah 40000 20 3 800 120 1 1,6 1,6 277 277 2,1640625 3,0905
Winston 40Ah 40000 20 3 800 120 1 1,6 1,6 277 277 2,1640625 3,0905
Winston 90Ah 90000 20 3 1800 270 1 3,1 3,1 618 618 2,145833333
Winston 90Ah 90000 20 3 1800 270 1 3,1 3,1 618 618 2,145833333
Winston 100Ah 100000 20 3 2000 300 1 3,4 3,4 684 684 2,1375
Winston 100Ah 100000 20 3 2000 300 1 3,4 3,4 684 684 2,1375
A123 AHR32113 4400 39 ? 171,6 ? 8 1,64 0,205 836 104,5 7,421875
A123 20ah 20000 18,75 ? 375 ? 70 34,72 0,496 8946 127,8 1,996875
A123 26650 2400 50 29,16666667 120 70 100 7,6 0,076 4175 41,75 5,436197917 23,52574074
HEADWAY 40160-16AH 3.2V16AH Lifepo4 16000 10 10 160 160 1 0,5 0,5 202 202 3,9453125
Headway 40152S 15Ah 10C LiFePO4 15000 15 10 225 150 1 0,48 0,48 136 136 2,833333333 7,5
Headway 38120SP 8Ah 20C LiFePO4 8000 25 20 200 160 1 0,33 0,33 85 85 3,3203125 10
Headway 38120HP 8Ah 20C LiFePO4 (RED) 8000 25 20 200 160 1 0,33 0,33 85 73 2,8515625 5,5
Kokam SLPB98188216P 30000 30 20 900 600 1 0,84 0,84 1353 1353 14,09375 1,5
Kokam SLPB90255255H 52000 11,53846154 7,692307692 600 400 1 1,24 1,24 ? ? ? 0,6
Kokam SLPB100216216H 40000 12 8 480 320 1 1,03 1,03 838 838 6,546875 0,8
Hard Case Race Edition LiPo 8000 3-cell 11.1v Dual Core Battery Pack 8000 150 ? 1200 ? 3 0,679 0,226333333 1062 354 13,828125
Saft VL 12V 14000 221,4285714 121,4285714 3100 1700 1 0,64 0,64 ? ? ?
Gaia HP 601300 NCA 27000 27,8 10 750 270 1 0,98 0,98 ? ? ? 2
Gaia HP 601300 LFP 18000 44 22 792 396 1 0,93 0,93 ? ? ? 1
Gaia HP 602030 LFP 38000 25 15 950 570 1 1,45 1,45 ? ? ? 1
Gaia UHP 341440 NCA 7500 40 20 300 150 1 0,32 0,32 ? ? ? 6,5


Electric configuration: Voltage Peak A Continues A Cells S Cells P Cells T Cells Price Wh Cells kg Battery A Battery peak A Ekstra Peak A kW Peak kW HP Peak HP Nm “D135” / motor Peak Nm “D135” / motor Antal “D135” Nm Peak Nm Pack ESR /mOhm V drop Peak Max drop V drop V left Peak
RC 90C 220 800 150 70 2 140 63490 2912 0 ? 1170 370 ? 257,4 ? 350,064 ? 215,71 2 ? 431,42 0 0 0 0 224
Winston 60Ah 220 800 150 70 1 70 29050 13440 161 180 1200 400 39,6 264 53,856 359,04 32,56 221,26 2 65,12 442,52 0 0 0 0 224
Winston 40Ah 166,4 800 150 52 1 52 14404 6656 83,2 120 800 0 19,968 133,12 27,15648 181,0432 21,46 147,26 2 42,92 294,52 160,706 128,5648 128,5648 24,1059 37,8352
Winston 40Ah 110 1600 300 36 2 72 19944 9216 115,2 240 1600 0 26,4 176 35,904 239,36 43,66 295,26 1 43,66 295,26 55,629 89,0064 89,0064 16,6887 26,1936
Winston 90Ah 110 1600 300 36 1 36 22248 10368 111,6 270 1800 200 29,7 198 40,392 269,28 49,21 332,26 1 49,21 332,26 0 0 0 0 115,2
Winston 90Ah 90 1600 300 26 1 26 16068 7488 80,6 270 1800 200 24,3 162 33,048 220,32 49,21 332,26 1 49,21 332,26 0 0 0 0 83,2
Winston 100Ah 110 1600 300 36 1 36 24624 11520 122,4 300 2000 400 33 220 44,88 299,2 54,76 369,26 1 54,76 369,26 0 0 0 0 115,2
Winston 100Ah 90 1600 300 26 1 26 17784 8320 88,4 300 2000 400 27 180 36,72 244,8 54,76 369,26 1 54,76 369,26 0 0 0 0 83,2
A123 AHR32113 220 800 150 70 5 350 36575 4928 71,75 ? 858 58 ? 188,76 ? 256,7136 ? 157,99 2 ? 315,98 0 0 0 0 224
A123 20ah 220 800 150 70 3 210 26838 13440 104,16 ? 1125 325 ? 247,5 ? 336,6 ? 207,385 2 ? 414,77 0 0 0 0 224
A123 26650 240 800 150 76 7 532 22211 4085,76 40,432 490 840 40 117,6 201,6 159,936 274,176 89,91 154,66 2 179,82 309,32 255,422328 204,3378624 214,5547556 38,31334921 38,86213757
HEADWAY 40160-16AH 3.2V16AH Lifepo4 240 320 150 76 2 152 30704 7782,4 76 320 320 0 76,8 76,8 104,448 104,448 58,46 58,46 2 116,92 116,92 0 0 0 0 243,2
Headway 40152S 15Ah 10C LiFePO4 240 450 150 76 2 152 20672 7296 72,96 300 450 0 72 108 97,92 146,88 54,76 82,51 2 109,52 165,02 285 128,25 128,25 42,75 114,95
Headway 38120SP 8Ah 20C LiFePO4 240 450 150 76 3 228 19380 5836,8 75,24 480 600 150 115,2 144 156,672 195,84 88,06 110,26 2 176,12 220,52 253,3333333 114 152 38 129,2
Headway 38120HP 8Ah 20C LiFePO4 (RED) 240 450 150 76 3 228 16644 5836,8 75,24 480 600 150 115,2 144 156,672 195,84 99,2355 124,4355 2 198,471 248,871 139,3333333 62,7 83,6 20,9 180,5
Kokam SLPB98188216P 240 450 150 76 1 76 102828 7296 63,84 600 900 450 144 216 195,84 293,76 110,26 165,76 2 220,52 331,52 114 51,3 102,6 17,1 191,9
Kokam SLPB90255255H 240 450 150 76 1 76 ? 12646,4 94,24 400 600 150 96 144 130,56 195,84 73,26 110,26 2 146,52 220,52 45,6 20,52 27,36 6,84 222,68
Kokam SLPB100216216H 240 450 150 76 1 76 63688 9728 78,28 320 480 30 76,8 115,2 104,448 156,672 58,46 88,06 2 116,92 176,12 60,8 27,36 29,184 9,12 215,84
Hard Case Race Edition LiPo 8000 3-cell 11.1v Dual Core Battery Pack 240 450 150 76 1 76 26904 1945,6 17,20133333 ? 1200 750 ? 288 ? 391,68 ? 221,26 2 ? 442,52 0 0 0 0 243,2
Saft VL 12V 240 450 150 76 1 76 ? 3404,8 48,64 1700 3100 2650 408 744 554,88 1011,84 313,76 572,76 2 627,52 1145,52 0 0 0 0 243,2
Gaia HP 601300 NCA 240 450 150 76 1 76 ? 6566,4 74,48 270 750 300 64,8 180 88,128 244,8 49,21 138,01 2 98,42 276,02 152 68,4 114 22,8 174,8
Gaia HP 601300 LFP 240 450 150 76 1 76 ? 4377,6 70,68 396 792 342 95,04 190,08 129,2544 258,5088 72,52 145,78 2 145,04 291,56 76 34,2 60,192 11,4 209
Gaia HP 602030 LFP 240 450 150 76 1 76 ? 9241,6 110,2 570 950 500 136,8 228 186,048 310,08 104,71 175,01 2 209,42 350,02 76 34,2 72,2 11,4 209
Gaia UHP 341440 NCA 240 450 150 76 2 152 ? 3648 48,64 300 600 150 72 144 97,92 195,84 54,76 110,26 2 109,52 220,52 247 111,15 148,2 37,05 132,05


Kart configuration 4700 we have 3456 Wh in Gokart 1 Wh/ km 172,8 numbers from Gokart 1
Voltage Cell normal voltage Wh Cells calc Cells S Cells P Cells T Cells Price Wh Ekstra Wh Cells kg Battert A Battert peak A kW Peak kW HP Peak HP Nm “D135” / motor Antal “D135” Nm Km
RC 90C 220 224 4700 226 70 4 280 126980 5824 1124 0 ? 2340 ? 524,16 ? 712,8576 432,16 2 864,32 33,70
Winston 60Ah 220 224 4700 25 70 1 70 29050 13440 8740 161 180 1200 40,32 268,8 54,8352 365,568 221,26 2 442,52 77,78
Winston 40Ah 166,4 166,4 4700 37 52 1 52 14404 6656 1956 83,2 120 800 19,968 133,12 27,15648 181,0432 147,26 2 294,52 38,52
Winston 40Ah 110 115,2 4700 37 36 2 72 19944 9216 4516 115,2 240 1600 27,648 184,32 37,60128 250,6752 295,26 1 295,26 53,33
Winston 90Ah 110 115,2 4700 17 36 1 36 22248 10368 5668 111,6 270 1800 31,104 207,36 42,30144 282,0096 332,26 1 332,26 60,00
Winston 90Ah 90 83,2 4700 17 26 1 26 16068 7488 2788 80,6 270 1800 22,464 149,76 30,55104 203,6736 332,26 1 332,26 43,33
Winston 100Ah 110 115,2 4700 15 36 1 36 24624 11520 6820 122,4 300 2000 34,56 230,4 47,0016 313,344 369,26 1 369,26 66,67
Winston 100Ah 90 83,2 4700 15 26 1 26 17784 8320 3620 88,4 300 2000 24,96 166,4 33,9456 226,304 369,26 1 369,26 48,15
A123 AHR32113 220 224 4700 334 70 6 420 43890 5913,6 1213,6 86,1 ? 1029,6 ? 230,6304 ? 313,657344 189,736 2 379,472 34,22
A123 20ah 220 224 4700 74 70 2 140 17892 8960 4260 69,44 ? 750 ? 168 ? 228,48 138,01 2 276,02 51,85
A123 26650 240 243,2 4700 612 76 9 684 28557 5253,12 553,12 51,984 630 1080 153,216 262,656 208,37376 357,21216 199,06 2 398,12 30,40
HEADWAY 40160-16AH 3.2V16AH Lifepo4 240 243,2 4700 92 76 2 152 30704 7782,4 3082,4 76 320 320 77,824 77,824 105,84064 105,84064 58,46 2 116,92 45,04
Headway 40152S 15Ah 10C LiFePO4 240 243,2 4700 98 76 2 152 20672 7296 2596 72,96 300 450 72,96 109,44 99,2256 148,8384 82,51 2 165,02 42,22
Headway 38120SP 8Ah 20C LiFePO4 240 243,2 4700 184 76 3 228 19380 5836,8 1136,8 75,24 480 600 116,736 145,92 158,76096 198,4512 110,26 2 220,52 33,78
Headway 38120HP 8Ah 20C LiFePO4 (RED) 240 243,2 4700 184 76 3 228 16644 5836,8 1136,8 75,24 480 600 116,736 145,92 158,76096 198,4512 110,26 2 220,52 33,78
Kokam SLPB98188216P 240 243,2 4700 49 76 1 76 102828 7296 2596 63,84 600 900 145,92 218,88 198,4512 297,6768 165,76 2 331,52 42,22
Kokam SLPB90255255H 240 243,2 4700 29 76 1 76 ? 12646,4 7946,4 94,24 400 600 97,28 145,92 132,3008 198,4512 110,26 2 220,52 73,19
Kokam SLPB100216216H 240 243,2 4700 37 76 1 76 63688 9728 5028 78,28 320 480 77,824 116,736 105,84064 158,76096 88,06 2 176,12 56,30
Hard Case Race Edition LiPo 8000 3-cell 11.1v Dual Core Battery Pack 240 243,2 4700 184 76 3 228 80712 5836,8 1136,8 51,604 ? 3600 ? 875,52 ? 1190,7072 665,26 2 1330,52 33,78
Saft VL 12V 240 243,2 3400 76 76 1 76 ? 3404,8 4,8 48,64 1700 3100 413,44 753,92 562,2784 1025,3312 572,76 2 1145,52 19,70
Gaia HP 601300 NCA 240 243,2 4700 55 76 1 76 ? 6566,4 1866,4 74,48 270 750 65,664 182,4 89,30304 248,064 138,01 2 276,02 38,00
Gaia HP 601300 LFP 240 243,2 4300 75 76 1 76 ? 4377,6 77,6 70,68 396 792 96,3072 192,6144 130,977792 261,955584 145,78 2 291,56 25,33
Gaia HP 602030 LFP 240 243,2 4700 39 76 1 76 ? 9241,6 4541,6 110,2 570 950 138,624 231,04 188,52864 314,2144 175,01 2 350,02 53,48
Gaia UHP 341440 NCA 240 243,2 4700 196 76 3 228 ? 5472 772 72,96 450 900 109,44 218,88 148,8384 297,6768 165,76 2 331,52 31,67

 Manuel test of A123 ANR26650M1A

A123  ANR26650M1A (#1) (Fake?)
Voltage before Current Load voltage Voltage after   Drop ESR   Series Parallel   Pack ESR
3,3578 1 3,3277 3,352 0,0272 27,2
3,352 2 3,2974 3,347 0,0521 26,05
3,347 3 3,2673 3,336 0,0742 24,73333333
3,336 4 3,2398 3,331 0,0937 23,425
3,331 5 3,2126 3,322 0,1139 22,78
3,322 10 3,0955 3,31 0,2205 22,05
3,31 15 2,9758 3,305 0,3317 22,11333333
3,305 20 2,8637 3,3 0,4388 21,94
3,3 25 2,764 3,3 0,536 21,44
Average 23,52574074 76 9 198,6618

Manuel test of Winston WB-LYP40AHA

Winston WB-LYP40AHA 
Voltage before Current Load voltage Voltage after   Drop ESR   Series Parallel   Pack ESR
3,323 25 3,2387 3,32 0,0828 3,312
3,32 25 3,2381 3,3166 0,0802 3,208
3,3166 25 3,2352 3,313 0,0796 3,184
3,313 25 3,2341 3,312 0,0784 3,136
3,312 25 3,2397 3,311 0,0718 2,872
(Old electric card configuration) Average 3,1424 27 1 84,8448
(New configuration) Average 3,1424 52 1 163,4048
Voltage before Current Load voltage Voltage after   Drop ESR
3,2977 20 3,2369 3,3002 0,06205 3,1025
3,3002 20 3,2395 3,302 0,0616 3,08
3,302 20 3,2408 3,3029 0,06165 3,0825
3,3029 20 3,2411 3,3033 0,062 3,1
3,3033 20 3,2418 3,3038 0,06175 3,0875
Average 3,0905

 Manuel test of Headway 38120HP

Headway 38120HP Cell = T2
Voltage before Current Load voltage Voltage after   Drop ESR
3,252 15 3,11 3,24 0,136 9,066666667
3,24 15 3,102 3,236 0,136 9,066666667
3,236 15 3,1 3,235 0,1355 9,033333333
3,235 15 3,102 3,236 0,1335 8,9
3,236 15 3,1 3,23 0,133 8,866666667
Average 8,986666667
Headway 38120HP Cell = T1
Voltage before Current Load voltage Voltage after   Drop ESR
3,31 121,395 2,62 3,29 0,68 5,601548663
3,31 120,685 2,66 3,28 0,635 5,26163152