Aluminium parts - EV-Fun
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Aluminium parts

Aluminium parts for motor mount and battery support frames.

The parts was drawn i 3D to make sure that they will fit together. When everything already exist i 3D, is it easy the get Aquacut to manufature the parts. Aquacut supplied the materials and cut the parts with water.

To make sure that the aluminium parts will withstand the stress, when the go kart is bumping or turning. Did we run some simple stress simulation on the computer. The battery box can take more than a ton of load on each side simultaneously, with out breaking. The parts is made of aluminium alloy 7075 in 10 mm thickness. Aluminium alloy 7075 is very strong, its comparable to many steels and are one of the strongest aluminium. This type of aluminium are also called flight aluminium because the use of it in the flight industry. Link to alloy 7075 on Wikipedia

Battery box:



Motor mount:

The motor mount are also made in 10 mm aluminium 7075. At the top are there to threaded rods, those threaded rods are used to adjust the chains tension. The motor mount are connected at the rear axis with too bearings and at the back at the kart to a square aluminium part.