Thunder Sky LiFePO4 40Ah - EV-Fun
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Thunder Sky LiFePO4 40Ah

For our go-kart project have we chosen 27 40Ah Thunder Sky batteries.

The weight of the batteries is total 43 kg. The maximum peak discharge current is 800A in 5 seconds within 1 minute. And can handle a continues discharge of 120A within 15 minutes.

Each cell operating in the area of 2,8V to 4,0V and have a nominal operating voltage of 3,2V. The cells are damaged if the voltage drops below 2,5V and above 4,2V. So its wise to fit a BMS system to protect the cells.

When LiPo cells are charged and discharged with high current the cells can swell. To avoid swelling the batteries have to be squeezed together.

+ Low weight (1,6 kg/cell)
+ High discharge current (800A max.)
+ High charge current (120A with temperature monitor and 30A without)
+ Easy to handle and mount.
– High price.
– The cell needs to be squeezed together to avoid damage to the cell pouch in extreme use.